Saturday, 13 February 2010

If Music Be The Food Of Love...

A poem WHAT I wrote. You might find it amusing (or might not).

If music be the food of love,
and lyrics be the wine,
Whose songs are dodgy bread and plonk?
And whose, a feast divine?

Whose songs are caviar combined
With vodka served on ice?
And whose are bits of bacon rind
With Chateau Notseau Nice?

Like chefs, our efforts never cease
But still the song we sing
Is sometimes Ivy or Caprice,
And sometimes Burger King!

Mike Batt
© Dramatico


  1. mine is only potatoes and cabbage, but i get by...
    Bon Appétit!

  2. Haha! Nice! I'd like to try some of that bacon with Chateau Notseau, please, so I can appreciate more mod music... - Berliner.
